What are some useful tips for Googling in Japanese?

So you know how there’s a right way to Google things? Like if you wanted the definition for a word you’d Google “\[word\] meaning” or “\[word\] definition” instead of something like “what does \[word\] mean?”, or for example, instead of “how can I say \[word\] in French?” you just type “\[word\] in French”.

Well, I’ve come to find I suck at Googling in Japanese. I can never find what I want easily. I think it’s because this is not something you learn from hanging out with other people, but rather you pick it up from years of using the internet. I don’t want to suck so I’d appreciate some tips!


Here are the two most useful ones I found so far:

\- When searching for meaning: 「○○とは」or「○○ 意味」for example 「量産型とは」

\- When searching “how to”: 「○○し方」for example「ネクタイ結び方」


Please help me make a list! I’m missing things like Googling for directions, schedules, if places are open or not, if a service is down or not, stuff like “where to buy \[thing\]” or “what shop has \[thing\]”, etc.

Thanks in advance!


Edit for Clarification: I’m basically asking how a Japanese person who only speaks Japanese would Google things. Not just word definitions. I want to be able to Google in Japanese and get information in Japanese for multiple topics. My local hardware store isn’t going to have their schedules up in English.

  1. “How do you say ___ in Japanese” usually does the trick, then I try and find links from HiNative.

    Or you could just you the HiNative application directly.

  2. Sometimes I’ll do “○○ 英語” and it gives Japanese explanations and then the words in English.

  3. Interesting question, looking forward to some answers. Personally i just replace my english query with japanese.

    「散歩」意味 // meaning
     堂ヶ島 道順 // directions
    レストラン 開いている (google maps)

    My Japanese isn’t so hot to be reading the meanings in Japanese anyway. I just do this when I’m too lazy to change my keyboard.

    I gave up on Japanese siri as well because some things just weren’t supported at the time. But if your Japanese is hot that could be a cool challenge for searching. 「ね シリ、天気は?」

  4. Besides the obvious 「とは」, 「意味」, and 「英語」 after the word you want to find, for more technical words, it can sometimes help by looking at the Wikipedia page and then click the 「文A」 button to switch between Japanese and your native language.

    This is the best if you want really accurate explanations or translations of terminology.

  5. 「〇〇 語源」or 「〇〇 由来」to find the etymology.

    「〇〇 口コミ」for reviews.

    「〇〇 やばい」to check for bad rumors/reputation.

    「〇〇 コスパ」for min/maxing cost.

  6. One thing I’ve found is that if I put something long in Google will often suggest the correct/common search results.

    Really contrived example:

    表参道 美味しい お昼ご飯

    Will suggest something like:

    表参道 カフェ ランチ

    The main point is if you can describe it in awkward Japanese you’ll get articles with keywords that are more mainstream.

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