Japan to allow visa-free individual tourists from Oct. 11

Japan to allow visa-free individual tourists from Oct. 11


  1. TOKYO — Japan will resume visa-free entry for individual travelers on Oct. 11, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced Thursday in New York, bringing its border rules close to pre-pandemic norms for the first time in about two and a half years.

    At present Japan only allows package tours, and requires visas for all visitors, in an effort to control the spread of COVID-19. But this has made the country more and more of an outlier, as most other economies have fully reopened to tourists.

    Starting on Oct. 11, visitors that were exempt from visa requirements before the pandemic will no longer be required to apply for tourist visas. And with no need to book tours through travel agencies, it will be easier to visit.

    The Japanese government hopes to boost the economy through inbound tourism, taking advantage of the weak yen. The currency is hovering around 24-year lows, touching 145 per dollar at one point, which makes Japan a more attractive destination for international travelers.

    Before COVID-19, Japan accepted a record 31.8 million visitors in 2019, making it one of the most popular destinations in Asia.

    Thanks to its cultural resources and airport infrastructure, Japan ranked No. 1 on the World Economic Forum’s latest Travel & Tourism Development Index, released in May.

    Japanese Article for those inclined: https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/articles/-/160804

    OR yahoo.jp: https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/597f0ec5d95a2003e60ac2a99c9113c3f0ba7186

    [op: Here we go boys n gals, the confirmed date]

  2. As a Canadian, I can go for 90 days and stay wherever I want, right? Anyways, this news is long overdue.


    Question: I have 2 shots (no booster) do I still need the PCR test? I’m assuming so. I’ll probably just get my booster soon.

  3. I’ve been sweating bullets over here for the last 2 weeks because my flight is October 16th. I can finally relax now

  4. Is this real? Please say it’s real. I haven’t seen my partner in 2.5 years and I’m just gearing up to jump through the hoops they’ve put in place but if I don’t have to do that it’s a huge weight off my shoulders.

  5. KLM is reopening direct flights from Amsterdam to Japan from Nov 1. So I immediatly booked for november 5. Can’t wait!

  6. Does anyone know what the rules are regarding covid vaccines? Having been vaccinated but only twice from a blue country, am i restricted in anyway? is a covid test still necessary as well?

  7. Now was that so hard? They couldn’t have just done this a few weeks ago and just NOT put everybody through the package tour visa requirement song and dance? I know, I know, at least it’s done now. And I’m happy that this is now and not Jan 1 (which had been my expectation). Now I can go back to just doing my job and not answering ten calls a day about people who need a visa leaving next week!

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