EJU again (to go to college)

This is my first time not only posting in this community, but on Reddit too. So if there’s anything wrong with my question please tell me.
I took EJU on June this year and got a pretty low score
Japanese 315/400
Japan and the world 134/200
Mathematics 103/200
I wonder if it would be better if I applied to the test and took it again on November, but I am afraid some colleges entrance examination would have already been done.
Should I take the EJU again and try to get better grades? Or should I just apply for the colleges I can get in with my current ones.
Thank you

1 comment
  1. 315 on Japanese is definitely enough for most unis, where are you trying to get in? Math is on the lower side, but you may not need it for some unis, depending on the major you want.

    Talk to the universities you want to apply to and see what they can do with your scores.

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