First Credit Card and ETC options

Researching r/japanlife for hours has made me think getting a credit card here is impossible until I’ve been here six months-a year, and even then it’s all luck based.

So how do I go about preparing to get a credit card? Which one should I aim for and get? And before I get one, is it possible to get a no-fee ETC card?

Some relevant background about me:

Been here two months

My Japanese is currently baby level (Google Translate is my savior at the moment…and r/japanlife)

JET-ALT working for BOE in Iwate

Renting house via my job

Just bought a kei car

Have a bank account via Iwate Bank wit a Cash Card only (no English support and this was basically set up for me when I got here)

Phone/Internet via Rakuten (pay these currently via bank transfer with an extra fee for that because no credit card)

I’m fairly frugal (besides where vehicle gas/milage is concerned) and don’t usually shop for much besides groceries

I really just want no/low fees and maybe some useful points or cash back if it’s convenient

  1. I have 6 Credit cards.My first credit card took 7 tries in a span of 1 year and half. Nobody wanted to give me a cc, no matter what. After I got my first cc, all other cards that I applied for got approved almost instantly.

    I recommend Rakuten card.

  2. ETC cards are usually free, at least with most cards I ever heard of.

    Amazon mastercard is no fee, it’s ETC card is also no fee. I heard people get accepted for amazon stuff fairly easily.

    rakuten card ETC is free for first year but to continue not paying 550 yen, you have to maintain platinum rakuten status (I think there’s some minimum monthly purchase/points collection required).

    Also most cards offered in supermarkets like AEON and such will have ETC option. You can try applying in person and see if you get accepted on the spot.

    I read somewhere (and promptly forgot where) that if you are an existing docomo customer for a while not missing any bills/etc you might succeed applying for their d-card.

    Whatever you do, once you fail a couple of them, you better wait about half a year or so, until you apply again, because constant rejections are logged and you’ll just get automatically denied.

  3. I wasn’t able to get a credit card or a car loan until I got PR but I’ve heard things are a bit easier now. I’ve heard that the LINE credit card is easy for foreigners to get but IDK if they offer an ETC card. My car dealer arranged for my ETC card when I bought my first car.

  4. I got my bank account and credit card within 1 week of moving to japan.
    It is with prestia bank.
    Would definitely recommend.

  5. I signed up for my JCB card a week fresh-off-the-boat at my inaka bank at the same time as signing up for my bank account. Approved no problem, just with a low limit (that then got automatically doubled every 6 months for a while)

    You hear about everyone complaining about being rejected here, but everyone who had no trouble aren’t going to bother posting.

    As long as you make sure you don’t mess up filling out the forms (name EXACTLY as it is on ID/right order, etc) it’s all down to luck.

  6. usually this sub recommends Rakuten, i tried it and got rejected sadly but not long after that i tried Amazon’s Mastercard and got it immediately

  7. I recommend going in person. After all my online applications were declined I went to Marui and applied in person. Sat down with the tablet and finished the app (you can’t use a translator friend) and less than 30 minutes later someone brought me a card. ETC card came in the mail later. At that point in time, I was between contracts. I didn’t have to prove anything. It was shockingly easy and smooth. Now, they’ve upgraded me to gold or something and I get a bunch of points and travel insurance.

    After I got that first card I was able to get one or two others… I should really know this, shouldn’t I? Specifically, I got a Master Card through Amazon to use at Costco lol

    Good luck!

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