50cc moped parking

I’ve recently moved to Nishiikebukuro and made the mistake of getting a scooter without confirming I could park it at my house. The place I live has an abundance of parking for bicycles and other free spaces that aren’t used, yet the building manager says I cannot have it here. Since then I have asked numerous people including the police and parking ticket inspectors where I can park. Everyone is able to list off 100 places I cannot park, however no one is able to tell me where I can.

Does anyone have any suggestions on where to find relatively affordable moped parking?

  1. Where I’m at, you can park a 50cc moped anywhere you can park a bicycle. You sure it’s not okay over there and you’re just being misunderstood? When I first got it my company person said I couldn’t park it at my apartment even though I was pretty sure I could and after a bunch of calling and stress it turned out that they just somehow missed the part where I said, multiple times, that it was a small 50cc moped and not a full-sized motorcycle lol

    If you really can’t park it in bicycle spots, then you’ll probably have to look for a car or motorcycle spot and park it there, and it’ll cost you.

  2. If you are living in Nishi-Ikebukuro and you are not allowed to park your scooter at your house, you are most likely going to have to pay (probably more money than it is worth) for parking.

    I don’t think it’s likely you will find a secret free parking spot in that area.

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