Student visa: is school alerted when you apply for work?

I arrived in Japan for school a few weeks ago and I’m currently under a student visa. My understanding was that students can work up to 28 hours per week in a part-time job. I have a job lined up and they have been waiting for me to start. It is a job in my desired industry for a company I intend to work for full-time upon graduation.

The school has just informed us that we cannot work during our first year.

Not taking this job would be a major hit to my career.

My question is, does immigration notify the school, in any way, about a visa status change? Specifically, if I started the job and reported to immigration as required, would the school have any way of finding out?

Appreciate any help that can be offered!

  1. Don’t think so no, but you have permission to work right? Students can’t work unless they have it. If you got it when you entered Japan you are good. Otherwise you might have to go through the school.

  2. From my experience, once you have the stamp on your residence card, you don’t need to inform immigration on your part-time job. The immigration office will also not notify your school. There is no way the school knows about your part-time job.

  3. There should be no way for school to know what kind of part time you are taking. Unless you happened to get busted on scene.

    Legally yeah you are capped at 28 yours per week, and make sure you have the work permit (it should be something with “28” on the back of your residence card). You don’t have to report to immigration as long as you have the permit.

    For visa status change, immigration will ask your attendance and your grade usually. So make sure not to skip class even though you are working.
    Working more than 28 hours can give you trouble too. There’s some known workaround, but let’s just stay legal and play safe.

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