How to fix Rakuten Card name and address?

So. I dont know what I did wrong. I just signed up for Rakuten like normal. and for some reason they sent the card by mail with Katakana. I didn’t know this was gonna be a problem until the mailguy refused to give me my card cause the name werent the same. so fucking annoying. I guess I dont have any other documents that have my name in Katakana.

How can I change this? I’m pretty sure I dont have a rakuten ID or anything, because i tried to log in, and when that didnt work, I asked for a password reset. The system told me they dont even have my e-mail.

  1. Call them, they do have an english help service if you need it, though I couldn’t figure out how to request it without calling through to the Japanese customer service number. Thankfully my Japanese is good enough to ask for the english customer support, because the details get complicated.

    In my case I had a name issue, so they sent me a form to set the name I wanted for the card, I ended up using a juminhyo from the ward office ( city hall) as proof of residence and with my name. Normally, they ask for two documents to confirm identity one for address and one for name, but the names have to match exactly what you are putting on the card. The juminhyo counts for both sides, so you only need that. Of course, if you think about going that way, make sure to ask customer service about it when you talk to them.

  2. This happened to me and I was pretty worried that it was going to be a hassle but they changed my card right away. I think there was an online form at the time but calling them is probably faster

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