It’s 5:35am and someone is screaming in my neighborhood.

A scream from a woman just wake me up. To me sounds like a desperate scream, but I’m not sure and even if I want to call the police or somebody I’ve been told that doing that in Japan not always helps, even more when the one making the call is foreigner.
The scream repeated like four times after the one that woke me up, each time with less intensity and with a longer time interval (like two short screams per min). I couldn’t understand what she was saying and I’m worried she could be in trouble.
Does anybody knows what should I do in this situation? Should I ignore it or call someone?

Edit: By now 5:47, while writing this Reddit, the screams have stopped.


  1. I would just call the police. If it is something serious you could actually help, and even if it turns out to be nothing, the worst thing that happens is you get a tad embarrassed.

  2. >doing that in Japan not always helps, even more when the one making the call is foreigner.

    What the fuck? What has it to do with being a foreigner?
    I am not saying you should have called, especially if you cannot locate the source, but it wouldnt have hurt. At least in Fukuoka, the police comes fast when i call them during the night (not that i call them every month, might just be luck)

  3. Are you and the source of the scream in the same rental complex? Management might have more leeway and inclination to (do a welfare) check more than the police, depending.

  4. >_I’m told that calling the police doesn’t always help._

    Yeah but posting here surely will, right?

  5. I hope I never live in a neighborhood with you. Someone seemingly screaming in desperation is a good reason to call the police.

  6. I can’t believe you were like “oh well it stopped nvm”. Of course you should have called the police. It’s not hard. Someone called the police for similar reasons in my building recently and they checked on everyone and asked if we heard anything. Turned out to be nothing but better safe than sorry.

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