How do you feel about borders completely opening up?

How do you feel about borders completely opening up?

  1. Going to be weird, news will show recording of drunk foreigners being loud and unmasked. Then they will interview *random* Japanese people that will say 怖い

  2. Had to happen some day. Good for the economy and happy for tourists. Glad that we could all enjoy these 3 years of calm, but all good things have an end.

    At least the real mass of tourists isn’t coming yet so it shouldn’t be too crazy yet (Chinese tourists).

  3. Sad that we will have to deal with (for the most part) annoying tourists flooding the streets and the rest of us getting shitted on for that, but also not like I can change anything so *shrug*

  4. It was nice not to be mistaken for a tourist when traveling, shopping, etc when visiting places these past 3 years.

  5. I’m happy!
    Can’t wait to see foreign people. I feel like I’m the only foreign in my city :'(

  6. A little sour. Booked a horribe and expensive flight home as i could not put off visiting family any more. I know flight prices will fall to Japan now as airlines increases flights and routes. Waited all year to book it and a week later they do this.

  7. Happy to see family and friends. Unhappy about my favorite bars being overwhelmed with tourists.

  8. Positively hoping the yen recovers a bit as a consequence. And happy I get to travel abroad as well

  9. I feel happy for people who want to visit, and also a bit sad because I won’t be able to enjoy japow as much. 😥

  10. Pleased because it feels like things are getting back to normal in Japan but also because this means there will be more flights to and from Japan so it’ll be easier for me to fly home for the holidays at the end of the year.

  11. Finally I can pretend a tourist with my bad Japanese.

    As long as China still keeps its tight covid restriction policy, Chinese tourists may not be able to visit Japan in the first wave.

  12. Generally happy. Empty Kyoto was fun, but we could probably do with getting the economy back. If tourism coming back finally lands me a job, even better. If it reignites the debate about finally taking masks off when we’re not feeling sick, likewise. A few worries about some of my haunts ‘suddenly’ getting touristy but they’re likely unfounded.

    There are loads of things Kyoto could have done better to prepare for this day (cough keep the damn land prices down cough) but I’m blaming that on the city admin itself, not the tourists.

  13. Personally was little sad as Kyoto and Tokyo until now was actually supppppper fun but after visiting shikoku recently and lots of other places. that Business and economy are seriously dying, Not just on news but seriously bad and everything just gonna get vanished if tourist dont come right away. Hate crowds to the death but things need to get better asap.

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