Planning 2 week vacation in my home country. What can I do with our pets?

We have 2 bunnies, 2 sugar gliders and 1 cat at the moment. Something came up at home and I need to go home with my husband whom they are yet to meet and very eager to see in person. Only problem is how are we going to leave our pets? Any advice, experience will be appreciated. Any pet nurseries or something? Or is it too expensive? I tried looking but couldn’t see any info other than just for cats and dogs. Offered to pay to have them stay at friends places but they sadly aren’t able to take care of them.

  1. Pet “hotel” or have a friend house sit and take car of the animals.

    There are plenty of places that will take care of small animals as well as cats and dogs – some will even come to your home for pickup within a certain range. Just be sure they’re licensed (the webpage will display their license number).

    The store where you got the rabbits/sugar gliders will probably have a recommendation, and many of them also operate pet hotels as well.

    Most of them will also let you check the facility ahead of time. We used one for our dog and cat when we only had one of each, they were reliable and treated the animals well.

    Prices vary pretty wildly so shop around, but you’ll be looking at around 3K a day for a cat, 2K a day for a rabbit, and 1500 a day for small animals like sugar gliders. You need to provide your preferred food for them, and in the case of small animals provide the habitat as well. It can mount up pretty quickly, your little zoo will cost around 60K a week for hotel fees. When you have larger numbers of animals, it’s really better if you can get someone to house sit.

  2. Pet hotels won’t be cheap. Our 2 sugar gliders had a 3-week stay at a vet near us who offered this service. They did send us line updates and pics though, which was nice.

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