Womens only seats bus

Hi, I accidentally booked two womens seats on a bus for my boyfriend and me (because 1 woman and 1 man didnt work and i thought it was a bug). I just found out that this is actually on purpose because they don’t want women sitting next to men who don’t know each other. It is on an alpico bus. Do you think we will be let on the bus anyway? As rebooking isnt really an option unfortunately, but if you say they are very strict, we wouldnt take our chances. Thank you so much in advance.

  1. I’d still do all I can to get the tickets rebooked out of respect for the comfort of your fellow riders. Try to contact the company through an inquiry form if need be.

    But if worst comes to worst, I do have a photo somewhere I took of my now-husband sitting right in front of a “women’s only car” sign after I had to basically chase him onto the car since he wasn’t paying attention and got both on the wrong car and a bunch of crowd in between us. Nobody said a word to the obvious set of foreigners and I had him switch cars at the next stop

  2. No evidence for that bus specifically, but Japan is very by-the-book from my experience when it comes to accommodations. I’d assume for something like this…if it’s labeled as women-only, a man will not be allowed.

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