Itinerary Advice Request – 8 days in Nagano/Niigata/Gunma in Dec/January

Hi all, like many others, I am pleased that my gamble of booking tickets to Japan months ago seem to have paid off (knock on wood) and the SO and I will be traveling there in December/January, and would appreciate any feedback from anyone who’s been to the area we’re traveling to!


Background for me – I’ve lived in Japan for 2 years as an English teacher (Kyushu), have traveled back a bunch of times, and also spent a few months backpacking from Hokkaido down to Osaka. From that last trip, we really enjoyed our winter in Tohoku and are now looking to explore Nagano/Niigata/Gunma this time around.


The main focus from what I can retrospectively see in my itinerary is nature/snow (but not ski/snowboarding), sake, and onsens but I’m open to other suggestions, as well. We’ll try to work in onsens into every accommodations, but might not necessarily be able to stay at the famous ones like Kusatsu, Shibu, Minakami, or Takaragawa, though. During my previous trip, I loved the trains in Tohoku (Stove Train, Resort Shirakami, Akita Nariku), and wanted to try more in this trip but with the Joyful trains typically running on weekends and my 1 weekend in the region happening on 12/31 and 1/1, I’m not getting my hopes up. Was interested in trying the Resort Setsugekka, Shu Kura, and Kairi (but the Kairi is a bit too far away), so we’ll see what shows in the schedule when the latest schedule is released. I believe the Setsugekka will have an updated schedule on 10/1, but I am not sure about the Koshino Shu Kura, so if anyone has ridden this train in the winter, I would love to know.


12/25-26: Tokyo

12/27: Depart Tokyo for Suwa City, stopping mid-way at the Hakushu Distillery (we’ll take the ltd express train and then a cab from Kobuchizawa Station since the shuttle won’t be running during the week). In Suwa City, the plan would be to do some sake tasting around town. Accommodations somewhere in the city or nearby.

12/28: Check out the Senjojiki Cirque area, mainly for views or snow recreation. Same accommodation as previous night.

12/29: Head north to the Norikura Kogen area to do some snow shoeing to see the Zengorono Falls. Accommodations would be anywhere in the vicinity between Matsumoto and Norikura Kogen.

12/30: Free day anywhere in the Nagano-shi area. Accommodations somewhere in the vicinity between Nagano-shi/Joetsumyoko.

12/31: Ride the Resort Setsugekka and explore anything along the area. Accommodations in the vicinity.

1/1: Ride the Koshino Shu Kura from Joetsumyoko to Tokamachi if it’s running, then head to Matsudai Shibatouge Onsen for accommodations.

1/2: Head over to Echigo Yuzawa for Ponshukan, explore the city. Either stay a 2nd night in Matsudai Shibatouge Onsen or head to Minakami.

1/3: Check out the Dragondola+Tashiro Ropeways. For accommodations, if we stayed in Minakami, head back for 2nd night or am also considering trying glamping at Myogi Hotel.

1/4: Return to Tokyo and head to Hakone for a few days before departing.


I think on some days, we have a lot of traveling, and on other days, we might have lots of time on our hands to take things easy, but if you think the traveling is to the point of infeasible, would appreciate any feedback. I’ve searched all the distances+costs, so my next step once we figure out the final accommodations will also be to see if it makes sense to get the JR East pass. If anyone has any other suggestions in these areas, would also appreciate any suggestions on activities or accommodations!


Thanks in advance and よろしくお願いします!

  1. Just for your information, I stayed Kyuuka-mura in Norikura-kogen in summer last year. The place was not bad for the price range and really convenient for the Zengorono falls.

    I believe there might be better ryokans around Norikura-kogen though.

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