Japanese really is such a beautiful and poetic language

Japanese really is such a beautiful and poetic language

  1. Mandarin also has a very similar phrase 吃喝嫖賭, which is eat, drink, prostitute, and gamble

  2. Chinese also has a similar word, 吃喝嫖賭, which means eat, drink, hire hookers, and gamble. The similarities between these two beautiful languages constantly amaze me.

  3. So you’re telling me it takes more syllables to say “you’re welcome” than to say this

  4. I always end up with such words when trying to find something else. There is one long expression for having an incedtual relationship with your mlm without actually having sex.

  5. It is usually blame or irony.
    For example,
    I am a loser of life, I only do drinking or gambling or buying for my time.

  6. uhh, idk about u but there’s a phrase like that in english…

    get paid, get laid, gatorade

  7. I love that this was the post that introduced me to this subreddit. Joined, liked, eager to start learning Japanese this semester.

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