Japan 5 week itinerary plans – revision

**Hey there again.**

So this is a revision based on feedback I got in my last post. All of which was appreciated. I changed the basic outline fairy significantly, so would appreciate any feedback. I haven’t re-booked or changed anything quite yet. Waiting to see how the next couple weeks in Japan Travel news goes and on how all your thoughts look on my new plans. I removed a couple areas to go to, so as to give more time in others. The link to the last post is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/comments/qa20rc/basic_itinerary_5_weeks/

I’ll be flying in and out March31 – May 6th 2022. This will be my second trip there (if covid allows it). If it looks like travel won’t be a possibility, I already have plans and the ability to change my trip to October, so no worries on that front. Not entirely sure if my timetable works, and with a few locations (mainly during the driving portion), I don’t know much of what’s to do in the areas. Last time I visited Tokyo, Kyoto and Hiroshima. Any feedback is very welcome.

I know very very basic japanese. Numbers, how to ask for some direction, basic greetings and thank yous, etc.

I’ve paid for about half of my Hotel/Airbnb so far, so 800$ left to pay. But it’s all booked. I’m estimating around 1500$ for food (I love food). about 400$ for various trains/bus. 300$ for tickets to attractions/ museums / theme parks. the biggest extra expense yet to be paid is an estimated 2000$ for renting a car for 2 weeks of travel. 1400$ for the car, 300$ for gas, 300$ for the Japan toll highway pass.

**March 31 I leave and Arrive Narita April 1.**

Arrive in Narita at 3pm

**Shinkansen to Sendai**

**1-4 April: Sendai.** I know they’re well known for their beef tongue, looking forward to that. I’d like to take a boat tour between Sendai and Matsushima. There’s that Zunda shake i want to try as well. Don’t know what else.

**4th. Sendai to Osaka.** Not sure if I should try flying or just ride the shinkansen.

**4th – 11th April: Osaka.** This is supposed to be a foodie paradise, so I’m looking forward to lots of meals and snacks. I want to go to the Universal Studios in Osaka, especially the Nintendo area. I’ll probably get an Osaka Adventure pass and travel the city for a day or 2. I’d like to take a day trip to Kobe and get a nice Wagyu Kobe dinner. Not sure where is worth it though. Also visiting Osakako and ride the Tempozan Ferris Wheel at night. Something I’ve wanted to do since watching Inuyasha as a kid.

**2 week driving Japan adventure**

**11th April.** I’ll leave early in the morning and take the shinkansen back to Tokyo. I’ll be going to pick up a car in the outskirts of the city. I’ve never driven on the opposite side of the road, so thought it best to rent where there’s a bit less traffic to acclimate.

**11-13 April: Takayama.** I’ll be here for 2 nights. That should give me a day or so walk the area and explore. Not sure what all to do.

**13th -14th April: Hakui.** On the way here, I’ll visit Shirakawa-go. I’ll be driving up here to see the ocean. Also looking forward to driving on the sand streets up here. Not sure anything to specifically do in Hakui.

**14th-15th April: Okayama.** I’d like to stop by the Tojinbo cliffs on my way. Not much I really want to do here. More of a temporary night on my way.

**15th – 17th April: Fukuoka:** Found a nice hotel in Nakasu and plan on just walking the area and eating around. Any recommendations would be nice.

**17th-20th April Kumamoto:** This is my final destination before going back to Tokyo. I’m a big one piece fan. So I’ll be visiting the various one piece statues spread throughout the region. Also looking forward to trying out the horse meat specialties. Aside from also visiting Mount Aso, not sure what else to do.

**20th-21st April: Kumamoto -8 hour drive/ferry- Innoshima:** So on my way to the next place, there is a ferry in Saganoseki that I think I’d like to try that allows cars to board as well. Add’s an extra hour to my travel time, but I think it would be a neat addition, along with not having to backtrack through places I’ve already driven. Might try to visit the cat island on the way, if the timing is right. Innoshima seems like a nice chill area to stay the night in.

**21st-22nd April: Kitayama.** This is just a good spot to stay the night in. There’s a place i want hike/walk early early in the morning the next day. I’ll just grab some grub and relax the night.

**22nd-25th April: Mt Fuji area.** I’ll have a few days to drive around the mountain and visit various small towns. Any recommendations for what to do is greatly appreciated.

**25th April: Back to Tokyo. End of driving Adventure**

**25th-6th May: Tokyo.** Well I’m back in Tokyo and I’ll be staying in Shibuya. I’d like to visit the Ghibli museum again. As well as go to DisneySea for the first time. I plan on going souvenir hunting for myself and family. Including getting a nice knife for my mom for cooking. I know it’ll be golden week, so any recommendations during this time is welcome.

**May 6th flight back home at 6pm.**

Any locations or MUST EAT foods/restaurants, let me know. There’s only so much you can look up and first hand accounts are always better.

I think my 2 weeks for driving will have a couple hectic driving days, but I think I have myself enough downtime to be fine. The recommendations and thought’s on the driving portion were appreciated. I made sure to give myself more time in more areas so i can really enjoy the trip. Thanks for any and all feedback. I hope the new itinerary seems better. again, If i can’t go in April, I’m totally ready to change the dates.

  1. Why would you not rent the car from and back to Osaka ? Takayama is about the same distance from both and your last place is Kitayama, that is close to Osaka. So doing if from Osaka mean you would only have to go back to Tokyo by train once and no need to go back again by train. I still do not like the whole driving idea, but that’s me. Yeah, you would not have the car for Fuji area, but it would be easy enough to rent a car again while you are there, that is if you find that many small town that require a car to go to, that should not be super hard to use train/bus to go in the area around Hakone, Kawaguchiko.

    Interesting choice of hotel location in Fukuoka, it’s pretty much red light district, with a bunch of bars and kyabakura. Fine if it’s the vibe you are looking for, but I’m glad I’ve stayed around Tenjin station when I went.

    While Innoshima can be nice during the day, I bet it’s pretty dead at night. At least Onomichi could have the advantage to have some places open later, like izakaya. Or if you want to avoid going on the same road, why not sleep in Shikoku and back in honshu by Awaji island or look if there is ferry for car from Tokushima to Wakayama.

  2. Hm… Your initial portion of the trip coincide with Sakura season in Kansai/Kanto, yet you go to Sendai first where it’s before Sakura season. Idk you want to see Sakura or not, but it might be worth it to swap Sendai and Osaka (and might add a day to Kyoto to see Sakura if you didn’t do that in your last trip).

    Also good luck on Disney Sea during Golden Week. I wouldn’t do that even if it’s my once in a life time chance, idk.

  3. FYI, my flight to Japan leaving Feb 28 and returning March 10, 2022 was cancelled today because they are limiting the number of visitors for the winter. That’s what the representative from American Airlines told me…

  4. This looks much better compared to your previous plan. There a few points I noticed though:


    Beef tongue from Sendai is great, but they have the same shops / restaurants in Tokyo station, plus the Matsushima ferry is not that great. So I think you should leave Sendai out, but that’s up to you.

    >Hakui to Okayama

    You can stop by Kanazawa, Fukuchiyama, and Himeji on the way. It might be more interesting to spend a few nights in Kanazawa instead of Hakui.


    Kumamoto castle is a famous attraction in the area. If you’re going to Aso, you might as well try the onsen in Oita prefecture.

  5. Maybe going to Japan now needs to be quarantined for a period of time, too long. Without novel coronavirus, I hope it would be better to go to Japan.

  6. Only advice I can give since I don’t know your preferences, chart your route well because the Japan Toll pass has some exceptions that it doesn’t work on.

    And since you will already be in Kumamoto and around Aso, you can go to Takamori if you already haven’t visited in a previous trip. It’s a quiet little Inaka with a forest shrine.

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