Status of Winter Comiket 2022?

Hi all,

Hope it’s ok to post this question.

We went to Comiket back in winter 2019 right before covid kicked off and loved it, my partner is an illustrator so it was like being a kid in a candy shop! It was easy to find out way around and we walked in and bought tickets on the day of the event. He proposed after the last day on the Pallet Town Ferris wheel before we left! It was such a great time and now quite special to us.

So, this week we booked flights to Japan in all the excitement of reopening to try go to this years Comiket but we just heard it’s apparently on a lottery system now? I was wondering if anyone could confirm this, and if tickets will be available for foreigners to buy online? Or is there any scope to possibly extend it back to a 4ish day event before the time comes? I know it’s probably too late by now for them to bring a bigger event but it would be nice to have hope! Everything on the site seems to still be talking about summer, and the English site doesn’t mention lottery but just “more info to come”, so I’m just wondering if anyone has any insight into this.

Thank you 🙂

1 comment
  1. >apparently on a lottery system now

    Yes. To be specific, there are 2 days; each day has lottery for either east hall, west hall or south hall (corporate booths). For each hall there is a standard ticket or early ticket (you can get into comiket earlier) making it a total of 6 possible lottery tickets per day. (you can reserve multiple tickets and only pay for the one you’ve won). Due note this ticket is tied to your name so you cannot buy tickets for other people or buy tickets from another person.

    standard tickets are 2000yen and early tickets are 5000yen

    As of last Comiket you don’t need a vaccine record of any sort but you do need a proof of identification to match the ticket; drivers license, my_number card (also wear a mask)

    Ticket sales usually start about a month before the actual event so around Novemberish

    You must have a ticket to get in now (unlike how it was before) and you CANNOT but tickets at the day of the event to get in

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