I’ve recently started trying to learn Japanese and am fairly familiar with all the Hiragana, but I can’t identify the 2nd and 4th kana in [this image](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Shiritori.png) (the ones following お and ぎ). The second kana seems to be a vertical line combined with こ maybe? The fourth one definitely looks familiar, but I can’t recall where I’ve seen it. Thank you.
おにぎり - Onigiri
When you have more experience looking at different fonts, you’ll be able to pick up the slight differences in how kana can be written
O ni gi ri
Those are just に (ni) and り (ri). Sort of like how in English nobody writes “a” like its typed there, there are shortcut/different ways people will write kana. に might have the little hook on the top line to make the right half look like こ or it might not, and depending on how long someone lets their writing instrument contact the paper, り might have the “left” and “right” halves of it connected, or not.