Living near train tracks/ monorail

I’m an incoming Tokyo ALT and I’m looking for an apartment in the Tachikawa area. My realtor sent me an apartment last night that’s a 6-minute walk to Tachikawa station. It’s a nice studio close to both major stations and my school. The only potential problem is that it’s right next to the Tachikawa monorail (elevated train tracks). I was wondering if anyone has any experience living next to a monorail or train tracks–is the noise an issue? Thanks!

  1. Japan walls are notorious for being thin so I imagine you’ll be hearing the train every time it passes hah it depends on if you can handle it or not, your tolerance to noise

  2. Trains in Japan don’t tend to run in the early hours of morning – except perhaps occasional maintenance trains. So there’s that, I suppose.

    That being said, you’ll be surprised how quickly you can get used to loud traffic/transport sounds outside.

  3. Hi, I am qualified to answer this because I was given an apartment right next to the tracks. Like if I put my arm out far enough and leaned on my balcony I could touched the train. Can you hang up laundry outside? No, because the train will blow it away. Can you open the windows on a nice day? No, because you will be harassed by trains constantly going by. The entire apartment rattled every time, the train was LOUD, and before the train goes by, it dings to let you know its coming. It ran from morning til night. Not only that, there was frequent railroad construction all through the night. I’m telling you that men with hardhats with lights and drills and hammering would be out there nonstop while I tried to sleep. Construction went on for over 7 months on the tracks before I gathered the balls to say something to my BOE and they allowed me to go to the apartment agency and search for homes myself. Those 7 months in that apartment were absolutely the worst time in my entire life. I hated every single moment of being home and every time I had guests over, the train would scare the living shit out of them. I DO NOT recommend. Am I being dramatic, no. I truly don’t think I am. It was horrendous.

    Then I moved to an apartment right next to a rice paddy and listened to frogs sing me to sleep every night and it was bliss. Oh, and it was a cheaper apartment but bigger and no train so…

  4. I lived in Tachikawa when studying abroad. My apartment was a minute from the monorail station (Shibasaki-Taiikukan) Can’t say the noise ever bothered me as it’s so much quieter than a train, plus the last service is around 11pm. And the monorail was a lifesaver in summer sometimes as it saved me walking the 10 mins to the station XD Plus you can get to IKEA if you fancy.

    Hope you have an amazing time in Tachikawa 😊
    I’d love to go back there sometime in the future as it’s a great part of Tokyo to live in.

  5. I take the Tama Monorail from Tachikawa to my school everyday! It’s soo quiet compared to regular trains, it’s like comparing a hybrid/ev car to a regular one. It does run kind of frequently (at least once every 10-15mins, more during rush hour), but I honestly think the monorail is one of the coolest parts of Tachikawa. I don’t live next to it so I can’t speak for what it’s like to live next to it, but honestly the location of your place sounds so nice, I’m jealous.

    Would the monorail be right outside your window, or above? If it’s above, I don’t think you would have an issue!

  6. I wouldn’t. The vibrations will be a pain. I lived above a subway line once and could feel the train go by every few minutes and that was in a fancy mansion.

  7. Does the realtor want you to sign from overseas or can you view the apartment once you get here and then sign?

    The tama monorail is far quieter than a regular train but it really depends on the make of the building and the position of your unit in the building.

  8. I am on the second floor of a building right next to a very active commuter train. I hear the train clear enough to know whether it’s an express, limited express, etc. and sometimes I swear it rattles my floor a bit. I’ve become used to it though. However, I am in a brand new building with brand new windows n such. The train is also aligned with the third floor and it’s a good 10 ft away from my balcony. So, depending on the building you’re looking at, ymmv

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