Beards for JET interview?

I have a beard and it took a few years to grow. I don’t want to shave it. However, I want to do JET after graduation. Would I need to shave to increase my chances during the interview process?

  1. A multi-year beard (multi-yeard) sounds like something that would appear unkempt to your interviewers. A little bit of length is probably okay (I had about 2-3 inches of curly length when I interviewed), but it really just depends on whether or not you appear presentable and how strongly you interview, tbh.

    Will being clean shaven and wearing a blue or black suit improve your chances? For most interviewers, I would say yes; showing a willingness to kind of “fit in” is def not a negative, in my experience.

  2. Had full beard and was shortlisted, but I used product to make sure there were no strays going rogue on the sides for the interview.

  3. Do not shave your beard for a *slight, possible* advantage in the interview. If you get in, there are a lot of things you’ll have to compromise on in how you look. But you should always hold on to the few things that make *you* feel like *you.*

  4. Not for the interview. I dont think it matters much. However, I will say that some schools (definitely not all) require you to have a shaved face for work. Mine doesn’t allow beards. So just keep that in mind and decide if JET is something you’re willing to shave for 👍🏻

  5. I had a full beard and was accepted. I wouldn’t worry about it, but make sure it’s trimmed/edged. Just look professional, focus on your interview making a good impression, and wear a suit and tie.

  6. Hahaha love this question. My school headmaster came up to me after I had been on holiday and grown a decent beard…. He looks at me and said “oh you have a beard” which meant shave that off now!

  7. Don’t shave it, go in as you are 👍

    I had a huge one in my interview and kept it throughout my JET time here too at various sizes lol. They shouldn’t be judging you based on facial hair. Keep yourself tidy in general and you’re good.

  8. Same as the any job: if you can pull it off and it looks good keep it. Otherwise shave it.

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