Bitten by pet cat..what to do?

Hi Fellow Jlifers

I was bitten by my friends cat who has anger issues.I bles for a while and it stopped.

The pet is vaccinated by the ward office and does not have any health issues as such.

I hear thatJapanese does not have rabbies and all but curious if there is anything I should do.Bit concerned because bled.

Thanks for any advice.

  1. Japan does have rabies and dogs and cats are required to be vaccinated against it. If the cat is vaccinated I wouldn’t worry about it.

  2. You shouldn’t need to worry about rabies, just infection. Cats, like most things with mouths, have a lot of bacteria in their mouth. You’ll want to clean the wound really well and use something antibacterial on it before dressing it. If you’re really worried, have a doctor look at it. They might prescribe you antibiotics to prevent infection.

  3. I just got bit by my cat today too. What a coincidence. I asked his previous owner and he’s fully vaccinated but still worrying

  4. I’ve seen cat bites get pretty nasty. Wash it real well with soap and bandage it up. Dont use disinfectant like alcohol or hydrogen peroxide though. The consensus now days is that disinfectant damages the flesh and does more harm than good. Washing with soap is enough. Bandage it and replace the bandage daily. Go to the doc if you see any signs of infection.

  5. I would err on the side of caution and get a doctor to look at it and prescribe antibiotics. But I’m being overly cautious about cat bites right now because the owner of Tsuta Ramen just passed away and there’s speculation that his cause of death may have stemmed from a cat bite. No one can say for sure since he hasn’t been autopsied, but he was bitten by his cat a few days prior and his hand swelled up and he was in so much pain that he couldn’t do his job well the next day.

  6. I’ve been bitten by cats and dogs several times. It has never been an issue. I wouldn’t worry too much, just care for the wound as you do for any wound. Clean it, bandage it and wait for your body to fix itself. If that doesn’t happen, see a doctor.

    Take care!

  7. My friend back home got bitten by her cat and caught something called cat scratch fever (ねこひっかきびょう). If the wound becomes swollen and red and/or you get a fever you should see your doctor. Usually it’s not serious.

  8. On the news yesterday was a Michelin-starred chef in Japan who died at the age of 40 something because he got bitten by a cat…

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