Dried bonito shaving plane kit selected as Japanese craft product to promote for export – The Mainichi

Dried bonito shaving plane kit selected as Japanese craft product to promote for export – The Mainichi


  1. I know my mom back in the states will be excited, what with all the dried bonito she has sitting around, and no planer to shave it with.

  2. I’m one of the very few people living outside Japan that actually makes dashi from scratch, and even I don’t want this

  3. As always, tonedeaf tourism and cultural promotion by the Japanese government.

    It’s a pyramid of bad idea all the way down: Cringey but harmless Cool Japan from the national government, god-awful ideas that no one wants to touch like this one when it filters down to local governments that are desperate to promote their region.

  4. I bought one of these in suidobashi for the dried bonito my mother in law sent me. They are very difficult to use and fucking smell afterward. Do not recommend

  5. Guess who just got a fat check in the mail from the Japanese government? Bonito Shavers Inc.

  6. It would be quite funny if 30ywars from now we look back at this and shake our heads as bonito shavers have replaced 16.7% of household utensils. If only we knew to I vest now we would all be millionaires /s

  7. “Kawatsu Shouten was so meticulous about details that it mounted a slip resistance silicone piece on the wooden plate.”
    This is the most Japanese description I’ve ever seen.

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