my favorite things to put in miso soup

my favorite things to put in miso soup

  1. My fave…. Stir fry or wilt some bitter greens (could be kale, could be ao-na, could be anything really.) Make a dashi base (katsuo or niboshi and/ or Kombu) then miso + greens+ abura-age ( cut into strips or bite size pieces). Kinoko optional.

  2. Oh yummy. I just bought some miso paste, tofu, enki mushrooms and baby bok coy. Starting to become the perfect weather for it too 🙂

  3. 2 more to try are yellow/brown onion and gobo (burdock root).

    The 2nd one is harder to find outside now asia but your local Asian Market will probably have it fresh or even dried. This makes the soup super woodsy, perfect for autumn.

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