Abandoned vehicle?

hi all,

On a stroll today I saw a very neglected motorcycle on one of those long term carparks in Tokyo – flat tires / dirt etc.

Thinking Japan being Japan I imagine that the parking space is paid for otherwise the offending vehicle would have been vaporised by now? But if I am wrong is there any way to track down the owner of said vehicle with the Reg number?

Arigato in advance if you have any insight.

  1. Are you going to pay for the parking fees? Because thats why it is there. The fees are higher than the value of the bike. Not to mention you have no way of tracking down the owner.

  2. I used to see a Ferrari similarly parked in a parking space under the freeway on Roppongi dori for years. Covered in thick dust. Always wondered what happened to the owner.

  3. There are literally loads of ultra rare cars in my neighborhood being left to rot. Original Fiat 500 Abarth? check. Mercedes 190 E Cosworth? check. Volvo Amazon? check. Porsche 993? check.

    (this last one really pains me).

  4. Abandoned vehicles are a big problem in Japan because of the recycle fees. Odds are the owner dumped it and doesn’t want it back. There is a ferry terminal in an industrial port along my running route and there are always abandoned vehicles there. I see the same truck hauling them out of there every month.

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