Just passed 1000 words!

Repost from r/Japanese cos it got deleted. Posted there cos I wanted to show yous my flashcard brick. But hey, it’s a celebration-worthy event so here I am again! 🥳🥳

It’s pretty crazy to think that just 7ish months ago I couldn’t even read kana. I’ve still got a long way to go though and I’m pretty keen on all the little Easter eggs I’ll find, and ofc being able to finally start communicating in Japanese.

If you’re just starting out, it’ll be no time at all before you get here :), just keep at it: 頑張ってよ!

  1. Happy for you! おめでどう!I’ll get there too by the end of the year, I believe.

  2. A long time ago, I was told to learn 100 verbs, 100 adjectives and 100 nouns of the most basic things

    This gives you potentially 1M combinations

    Combine with basic grammar to mash together sentences

    Back in the day (late 90s), I would carry around a note book and pen and write down words people were saying that I didn’t understand.

    I’d look it up in a Romaji dictionary, write the word, the kanji, alternate readings and an example sentence and then memorise that shit.

    Combine this with

    Then you can learn organically

  3. Don’t forget to write things like this, even in a journal, every now and then. That way if you ever get “stuck” or feel like you aren’t getting anywhere, you can look back to see how far you have come. Or just to read back for a motivational boost

  4. According to drops I know over a thousand too. Except I don’t. Don’t remember 95% of them just somehow can guess them right most of the time when they pop up.

  5. Congrats! I recently passed 1000 vocab learned myself! I’ve found over the past couple of weeks reading takes a lot less mental strain than it used to, even if I’ve only got a cursory understanding of most grammar points.

  6. Nice. Those first thousand are a great foundation you’ll see and hear everywhere.

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