What is the meaning of ぐ in the sentence その男たちがシロクマを獲る悪い人達だということは見ただけですぐ分かりました ?

Trying to improve my Japanese by reading some short stories and came across this sentence:


What’s the meaning of the ぐ in the 見ただけです**ぐ**分かりました。 Part?

Here is the sentence in context. https://imgur.com/a/1YyT34T

  1. “Just seeing (this) I quickly understood”. You split the sentence wrong. It’s mita dake de **sugu** wakarimashita.

  2. You’re mistakenly reading it as 見た だけ です ぐ 分かりました when it’s actually 見た だけ **で すぐ** 分かりました. **すぐ** meaning quickly, soon, etc.

  3. I’ve been doing Japanese for 8 years and even I read it incorrectly for a split second. Happens to us all 😆

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