What is the correct way for patience in Japanese?

I am currently learning on my own and am a bit confused on whether there is a single symbol only that stands for patience or if it is the 2 kanji (nin-tai) that make up the whole word and there is not just (nin) as a symbol to represent patience on its own. I am seeing both, but really trying to get ir right and understand differences if there is any.

1 comment
  1. It’s 忍耐 (nintai).

    忍 (nin/shinobi) has its own host of meanings. One of which is the origin of ninja (忍び/shinobi). Which is why, on its own, it’s very easy to misunderstand.

    I should also add that’s only in reference to nouns. ‘shinobi’ itself comes from the verb 忍ぶ (shino-bu), which typically means ‘to sneak’.

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