Is being employed from abroad and living in Japan a thing?

I’m an American and also a long time resident of Japan on a spousal visa. I’d like to start working remotely for a US company but am unsure how this would work given I’d be living in Japan. Anyone have experience with this?

  1. On a spousal status, that kind of work will be okay.

    Note that you are resident here, doing the work while here, and so japan will have primary taxation authority–it does not matter that the company is there, nor that you might be paid in USD into an account there, you are working in japan. (and the US shouldn’t be taxing you)

    Don’t set up or use an LLC. That’s a unique US tax thing, japan doesn’t recognize that as a favorable tax structure, and it can mess you up a little on taxes here.

    Still, you should work as a contractor/sole proprietor, not as an employee. If you work as an employee, the company then needs to have a japan presence (legally, tax/biz things) and be liable for paying corporate taxes here–and if they are here, then you should be employed by their j-subsidiary, not the US.

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