Consent laws regarding IVF in Japan

Can someone direct me to legal advice regarding the consent laws in Japan?

After trying artifical insemination with my partner we then proceeded to consult with an IVF clinic. At the beginning of the process I had to sign a consent form prior to providing a semen. The egg was fertilized then frozen. At the time my partner and uterian infection that needed treatment before implantation.

Unfortunately the relationship has not really survived some of the stress we have been going through and I do not want to proceed if things do not work out. Egg remains at the clinic, and my partner hasn’t had the full treatment on her uterus, she is 40+ so even if we work things out, the likelyhood of success is slim (there also an increased likelyhood of potential problems or the child being born with a disability).

Anyway, I know in some countries with IVF consent can be withdrawn at anytime, however there are also cases where consent cannot be withdrawn after the egg is fertilized. I would be very grateful if some could give some insight into the legalities. Can I withdraw consent, or prevent the procedure moving forward. The treatment was paid for by my partner at private clinic, and she is the named patient. So I may have not right whats soever.

She is Japanese, I am a U.K. passport holder. We are not married.

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