Program that adds spaces between words?

So usually when I learn a language, I basically throw a bunch of text in a word frequency counter, and start learning words based on that. But since Japanese doesn’t use spaces, this is kind of a problem.

I know there are frequency lists already out there, and you have the JLPT as well, but I much prefer my own list.

Does anyone know of a program that can add the spaces or count word frequency without them?

  1. Why don’t you just find a way to learn Japanese words as words so you don’t need to worry about this?

    Sooner or later, you need to get used to the fact that Japanese doesn’t use spaces between words. You need to understand how to break things down based on understanding particles, knowing words, and being able to put all that knowledge together.

    There are vocab lists or Anki decks or whatever where you can learn the most common Japanese words. Why not just do that and not add this artificial step?

  2. As a new programmer this is an interesting topic. Currently working on a translating program. Doing what you ask for with a Japanese text would be a big headache. But, I’m sure someone/team can pull it off.

    The manual method of vocab collection might actually be a blessing in disguise.

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