Cheap travel options between Osaka and Tokyo?

I need to visit my country’s embassy in Tokyo but finding an easy to use airline that’s also cheap is frustrating. The Shinkansen is a bit expensive but I might end up using it simply for the convenience.

Peach seems promising but for some reason they only go to Narita and not Haneda airport. Starflyer’s website is a nightmare to navigate.

Anyone have any suggestions?

  1. You may also want to try asking in /r/Osaka.

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  2. The night bus should be the cheapest option since I use it to travel from Kyoto to Tokyo for ~4000 during non-peak times

  3. As was mentioned, the night bus is by far the cheapest. You travel at night, so you’re not losing any time during the day as well. The downsides are if you can’t sleep in a cramped bus seat, the next day will not be too pleasant. The most ideal seating is a 4-retsu with no one sitting next to you, but if that’s not possible then 3-retsu affords you a bit more wiggle room. Some of the super-cheap options will not let you pick your seating, but you can with JR bus if you buy online. If you have the time to kill there are buses that run during the day as well.

    Shinkansen is the most convenient by far, but also the most expensive. You get what you pay for.

    I generally would not recommend flying unless you are using or saving miles. Most of the LCC carriers run KIK – NRT, which is the least convenient option for both Osaka and Tokyo. Factor in an extra 3,000 yen just to get to and from the airport, plus an extra 2+ hours of travel time. Also flights are far less flexible with schedules. As long as it’s not the last one, you can miss your train or bus and change your ticket to ride the next one, but flights? Generally not so much.

  4. From Osaka to Tokyo,trip without money is by
    It’s no fossil fuels ‘n no Carbon Dioxide Emissions,
    and more too much healthy for sure.
    That’s my 2cents.

  5. >Peach seems promising but for some reason they only go to Narita and not Haneda airport.

    Cheap or convenient, pick one.

    There’s no “for some reason”, it’s a very clear, obvious reason. Narita has the capacity for low-cost carriers, plus being in the middle of nowhere, the landing costs are cheaper than Haneda’s. (for domestic flights, they’re still some of the more expensive landing costs for airlines in the world)

  6. A flight from Osaka is the cheapest option. Flights go from 5000-8000 yen to Narita’s LCC, and you DON’T have to take the (3000 yen) express train to Shinjuku / Tokyo – you can just take the local rapid train that could cost around 1,200-1,600 yen. This is still way cheaper than the Shinkansen and the time difference is just about 30-40 minutes more, which isn’t a lot considering the cost of a round trip shinkansen ticket vs a flight ticket. Hope it helps!

    Just use Google Flights to find the best timing and price for you, and proceed book directly with the low cost airline! (peach, jetstar, etc.)

  7. Willer Express night bus is also an option. I personally love taking the highway bus if I have the time.

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