Mercari cancellation help

I’m hoping someone here can help me. I’m new to Mercari. I have bought 13 separate items. For item #12, the seller cancelled my order and said they only sell to people who have over 10 trades.

This wasn’t on the item description but I guess was written on their profile (which I didn’t check). I’m confused about their rule.

Is it because I haven’t sold anything myself? I’ve purchased over 10 separate items.

The seller did not respond to my messages for clarification. I disagreed with the cancellation and received an email from Mercari proposing to cancel so as to not cause future burden.

I’m a tad disappointed because I’d been looking for the item for a long time and it was decently priced for once.

Am I missing something? Do I just go ahead and agree to cancel and look for the item elsewhere?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  1. If the seller isn’t interested in selling to you, I’d just accept the cancelation and try buying what I want from somebody else. I know, it sucks but it’s better than paying for something that won’t be sent to you anyway.

    And IMHO Mercari support center sucks, I’d avoid any kind of problem so I don’t have to deal with them.

  2. Individual rules are against Mercari TOS so I’m surprised they’re siding with the seller. You can probably refuse the cancellation and he will either be forced to cancel on his end and take a hit to his reputation, or (more likely) send it to you and give you a negative feedback which can be pretty damaging with a low number of trades, won’t be able to contest that either although I suppose you could also give him negative feedback as well. Up to you what to do.

  3. Although sometimes it takes time for purchases to be settled and reflect on your account, it may be the case that they just don’t want to sell because they assume you are a foreigner and get scared.

    I’ve had people try and cancel while making some “non-Japanese credit card” excuse despite me having a Japanese credit card and the payment not even being processed by them.

    People can’t just make up their own rules that override the Mercari terms of service. You want something, you bought it, so it is up to them to send it to you, or cancel it on their terms.

    If you feel like sticking up for your principles, you can force them to send it or cancel themselves so they will take the hit. It may affect your feedback, but personally, I would do it.

  4. It’s full of silly rules like that. But it’s against mercari policy to set rules like “No return, no claim, no buying without commenting”

    I would just move on and find a different seller.

  5. This is pretty normal in Mercari. People do whatever the fuck they want and Mercari allows it.

    Some will say that they’ll block you if you try bargain prices.

    Others say that they will not do group sales (happened to me the other day, wanted to buy several things from a seller and instead of grouping it all in a new ad he adjusted the price of everything to be the total we came to, so I had to buy 5 different 300 yen things instead of a 1500 one).

    Some, like this time, will not deal with you if you have less than X votes.

    Some will not deal with you if you have a negative vote (which is why Mercari and yahoo auctions and the likes should never delete neutral votes, which some of them have done).

    Some will not even want to deal with you if they see your name and it’s foreigner.


    And they can just simply give whatever reason, like “I can’t find the product” or whatever, cause Mercari won’t monitor anything.

  6. Is the seller perhaps referring to your feedback score? If you’ve just bought 13 things now you might not have any feedback score and so the seller might be feeling a little uncomfortable about selling to you.

    Either way you’ll get your money back so don’t worry.

  7. To avoid trouble some buyers promise ノークレーム if the seller agrees to their term. Might have worked in your case.

  8. There are crappy sellers and good sellers, and there is also the Mercari guide (rules) which you should always follow as a seller and buyer so you can win any claims.

    Since the seller cancelled because of their own convenience, they will get a strike, and if they do it multiple times, they will get suspended and eventually banned.

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