Instructor -> Humanities -> back to Instructors VISA. What’s the process?

I came to Japan as an ALT with the Instructor’s VISA a few years ago, changed jobs a year later. I had to change to Humanities VISA for my current job. I am planning on getting an ALT job again (for school scheduling reasons) and would again have to change VISA back to Instructor’s if everything goes as planned.

My process on obtaining my Instructor’s VISA before coming to Japan had a lot of red tape and was the longest most expensive process ever. I am assuming and also hoping it wouldn’t be the case this time around since I am already in Japan.

Just wondering if anyone had the same experience as what I am planning to do. Any input on the process would be appreciated! Thanks!

  1. Why was it expensive before?

    Anyway, the process shouldn’t be much different than when you changed to the humanities status. Get a job, have them sponsor the change, submit to immigration, pay 4000 yen.

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