Beginner progression whilst travelling?

Hello all,

I’ve been exploring the initial stages of learning Japanese over the last week or so. Forgive me if I shouldn’t be posting, but I’m just a bit lost on what exactly I should work on.

I’ve read the whole beginner Wiki, I’ve gotten through the kana pretty well and continuing to practice daily to ingrain the recognition.

I have also been working through the ‘**A Year to Learn Japanese’** Google doc outlined by user SuikaCider, and so I’ve got the 1,000 most common kanji deck loaded on to Anki. Note that I have no urgent timescale in which *I need to learn Japanese*, I just figured it would be a good framework.

I am trying to consume Japanese content where I can (Japanese news, music, Youtube channels), although pretty much none of it makes any sense to me right now. I already watch Anime with English subtitles for leisure, however I don’t think that does much good, if any.

My query comes as I am due to be travelling the east coast of Australia for 2-3 months from mid-October onwards, and then staying for 1-3yrs to work (likely in a more permanent location such as Melbourne).

As I assume I’ll have some downtime on my hands here and there, can anyone advise what they think might be most beneficial to work on on my travels in those first few months? Ideally I’d want something usable on my iPhone (possibly iPad, undecided if I will bring).

Once the travelling portion of my work visa has ended and I was settled and working, I was thinking of taking some more formal Japanese lessons.

Hope my post is clear in the concerns I’m trying to get across, and any help is greatly appreciated.

Please let me know if you want me to elaborate at all.


1 comment
  1. The core series or you can do totally on phone and will help learning all the vocabulary.

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