Long ass skirts and uber baggy pants

Ever since I came here I can’t help but notice that women wear so long skirts, even girls in their 20s wearing skirts that reach their ankle combined with some baggy top. (I am a female btw) And men wearing baggy pants for casual wear. What’s with the obsession with long clothes when it is so hot and humid?? Isn’t it uncomfortable..

  1. There’s a 90s revival and lots of oversized tees and whatnot are in.

    Also, I actually find loose-fit clothing that covers my skin cooler than just being exposed to the sun. Works for me in summer!

  2. Depends on when you’re talking about. If now, it’s been “autumn” for a couple of weeks now so people are sporting autumn fashions. And yes, the actual weather be damned, it’s September so we’re doing autumn now.

    In general, form-showing fashion isn’t a huge thing here, women generally prefer to be more modest. But at lot of that depends on where you are too, as in trendy areas like Shibuya or Harajuku you’ll see a lot more short skirts, shorts, and midriff-baring, which seems to be the big thing for the past 2 years now.

  3. It’s extra weird when I visit Hawaii and see among the bikini-clad people, groups of Japanese folks dressed like my elementary school music teacher.

  4. It’s hot and humid in summer whatever you wear. 🤷‍♀️ Long, loose pants or skirts keep the sun off me while still allowing for a breeze. The longer they are, the less my leg is exposed for mosquitoes to bite me. I swear, they all live in my neighbor’s yard.

    Wide pants won’t flip up in the wind or when riding a bicycle, but can look like a skirt depending on the style.

    Baggy shirts don’t show armpit sweat.

    I’ve embraced the baggy summer fashion. I couldn’t care less about showing my figure when this foggy NorCal girl is sweating in places I didn’t know I could sweat from before living here.

    Most people wear leggings back home, but that’s not the fashion here and would get a lot of stares.

  5. Just the trend yeah… think Japanese people pick up the trends faster. Most brands are putting out wide cut jeans / overpants / BDU as staples but I went back to the U.K. and everyone was still wearing skinnies…

  6. How can you not work out its the fashion for past 2 years. Personally loving it. Slim fit trend was uncomfortable and awful in summer. Baggy clothes are great all around but much better in the heat

  7. In other hot and humid nations not everyone wears short shorts and tight spaghetti strap tops. It’s not as hot as it sounds.

    In cooler months the shorter skirts and boots will come out

  8. The Japanese also like to cover up in general. You’ll see the odd gyaru with her legs out but nothing even close to what you would see in a western country.

  9. Wait a couple of seasons, and the skirts will be short again. The fashion industry needs the girls to buy new clothes all the time, so they make the fashion change all the time.

    Happy to be male, so I can wear my rags until they fall apart, haha.

  10. Yeah just fashion.

    But one thing I’ve noticed compared to when I came about 10 years ago is that young people dress way more conservatively.

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