About changing jobs but starting it after three months of quitting previous job?

I know there is a “rule” that Immigration has where, you have to find a new job within 3 months of quitting your previous job. But what happens in the case where, within those 3 months, you find a new job, but it won’t start until after those 3 months? For example, if I quit my job the end of this month (July), find a job in August, but then it starts in January. Would that still be okay? Does anyone have any personal experience with this or any information?

  1. You can still explain to the immigration about your situation. Also what could help is provide an offer letter showing your future start date, show you have sufficient savings, show that you are enrolled in NHI during this unemployment period and most likely they will let you slide.

  2. left in december last year and started this july.

    i just paid all my dues on time (NHI, pension, local tax, income tax). sent a leaving company form within 2 weeks after my last date in the company.

    immigration didn’t even bother to contact me. just ensure you don’t do things that will cause the call from immigration. but even if you do get the call, they’ll probably let it slide since you are sufficiently supporting yourself and paying all dues.

  3. The rule is that immigration **can** revoke your status after 3 months. In reality, though, they don’t care. As long as you can still support yourself, are paying taxes, and are looking for a job (or have a job offer) then you can stay until your current status of residency naturally expires.

    (Note – this only applies to most working status of residences, not spousal, etc.)

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