My TV broke down

My quite new TV (3-4 months) does no longer start. I have the receipt but how does it work in Japan? Is there warranty by default? Do I just bring the TV and receipt to the store? I do not have the box that the tv came in, does it matter?

If they don’t speak English what Japanese should I use to explain the issue?

  1. You need to bring it to the shop where you purchased it with the receipt. Most appliances here have a 1 year manufacturer warranty.

  2. Where did you buy them from? Yodobashi or some small shop? If it’s a big electronic store you call the shop, or the manufacturer directly if it’s a small shop.

    They usually send a technician to investigate. If it’s broken, they’ll send a new one, and take care of the old ones. Sometimes they will bring just a new panel to replace. You shouldn’t have to bring the TV to the shop. Most manufacturer offers 1 year warranty, so you should be good.

    Some term to use: repair (修理), warranty (保証), broken (故障), initial failure (初期不良)

  3. > If they don’t speak English what Japanese should I use to explain the issue?

    Personally if you even have to ask you should bring a Japanese speaking friend imo

  4. If you got an extended warranty contact the shop where you bought it, if not then contact the manufacturer for warranty repair. The custom in Japan is for them to send a technician to your home to evaluate the problem and then either repair it or replace it.

  5. When I bought my TV, it had a problem on the screen after about six months. The warranty that comes with it had a telephone number. I called that an arranged for them to come bring me a new TV after I explained the problem.

    Look at your warranty paperwork. There should be a phone number. Mine was for the TV brand company, not for the store I bought it from.

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