Health insurance/accidents

Concerning the national health insurance, the one that is mandatory and saves you about 70% when you visit a doctor/clinic, how would this work if you got seriously injured and require a hospital stay?

If the national health insurance doesn’t work with serious injuries, can someone recommend one that does? I believe there is one provided by the Japan Post but don’t know much about it.

  1. AFAIK, the national insurance covers medical costs regardless of why treatment is needed. Hospital stays can incur expenses that aren’t covered, though, so a lot of people get supplemental insurance for things like accidents and cancer. My car insurance includes supplemental coverage for accidents and I also have supplemental cancer insurance from AFLAC.

  2. Sure it covers you for accidents. It covers you for anything. And what’s even better is that there is a monthly cap on what you have to pay.

    So first of all you are paying only 30% of a bill that is much cheaper compared to the US, then anything over X amount you will get a refund for after you pay. You apply for that refund at your City Hall. The Depends on the city I believe.

    I was hospitalized for about three weeks several years ago. If I remember correctly, my local Ward capped my costs at ¥80,000 a month or so. I paid the entire 30% bill, but everything over ¥80,000 in a calendar month was refunded to me it later.

    Of course it’s not something that you can usually schedule, but it’s always best to have medical problems in the same calendar month rather than split over two months because of this

  3. You are referring to the national health insurance that is mandatory to have, correct? So for the most part it covers 70% even if you have an accident and require surgery?

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