Hey everyone, I built an Anki addon called [Anki Dojo](https://mathewthe2.github.io/AnkiDojo/).
It generates Anki cards for your vocabulary lists, photos, handwritten notes, txt files, and Kindle. I also ported [Nihongo Shooter](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/p9p7ug/nihongo_shooter_a_game_i_made_to_learn_the_top/) to AnkiDojo so it could work with your own Anki cards with difficulty levels based on your recall.
## Demo
## Download
Follow instructions [here](https://mathewthe2.github.io/AnkiDojo/welcome/)
## Background
Last year, I made the [Immersion Kit](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/ny5bi7/we_handpicked_120k_sentences_in_anime_for_looking/) search engine for anime sentences. An acquaintance recommended me to ianki who was trying to develop an Anki addon to integrate Immersion-Kit-like features for [morphman](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/900801631). Even though I didn’t end up helping him much, the starter code he shared was a good start for me to consider making a web app for interacting with Anki.
I was busy with life and maintaining other projects so I left this in the dust for a while. But one day I saw [nihongo shooter](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/p9p7ug/nihongo_shooter_a_game_i_made_to_learn_the_top/) on this subreddit, a fast paced game to practice common Japanese words. One redditor mentioned that this game would be awesome if it worked with their Anki deck. Since I’ve already done Anki card mapping multiple times with apps like Game2Text and Game2Text-lightning, I know that was all it needed. However, I didn’t just want to port one game – I wanted to make a platform that all games could work with the same mapping. Then I remembered the web app architecture that ianki created. Then I spent a few days creating the UI and linking it up to Anki.
And it worked great! It was pretty fun seeing my own cards in someone else’s game pop up, and leveraging “Ease values” aka my own recall as the difficulty for the game made it fun and rewarding, rather than the usual “Anki grind” of the same suspects that I see every week because I keep forgetting them.
There were a lot of ideas that came to my mind – custom drills, hands-free audio player “jukebox”, kanji/vocab grid, but I remembered some of the most common asked yet simple questions in this community – [how do I turn this one list of words](https://imgur.com/a/WDPYnsc) or this handwritten note to Anki cards without knowing how to run scripts or program? Thus began the brainstorming and integration of dozens of scripts on Github to produce the ultimate card builder. OCR, pitch accent graph, audio sourcing, definition selection, filtering known words, sentence extraction, ebook integration…what started off like a 30 minute job turned into days and weeks. Guess it wasn’t that simple after all.
I would like to give special thanks to everyone who contributed to open source projects for Japanese learning, especially jmdict, ianki, and foosoft (yomichan). Their projects were incredibly helpful for building this project.
## Features
* Generates Japanese Anki cards from Kindle, handwritten notes, or txt file.
* Adds pitch accent graphs, definition, sentence, and word audio.
* Mini games with your Japanese cards. Difficulty based on the ease level in your Anki deck
* Open source and simple API. Feel free to share you own app so others can use it on AnkiDojo.
## Future Features
* Json import for iOS Mining apps
* More ebook format support such as Kobo and Koreader
* Custom Dictionaries
* Jukebox that plays the audio in Anki cards, so you can study hands-free while you vacuum and do laundry.
* More Games?!
## Links
Github: [https://github.com/mathewthe2/AnkiDojo](https://github.com/mathewthe2/AnkiDojo)
AnkiWeb: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/433778282
1 comment
You’re awesome! I’ll have to try this out.