Will Yomichan still work after Chrome switches to Manifest V3? [AKA ban Ad Blocker]

Recently there’s been a lot of talk about chrome banning ad blockers, but from what I understand Chrome is actually doing a lot more than that.

They will be switching to Manifest V3 and ceasing support for all current Manifest V2 extensions (which a lot of extensions are based on) in January 2023.

A sentence mining tool I use daily is the Tampermonkey extension, it allows me to load scripts to modify the webpage (in this case, adding JP subtitles to videos and mining through Anki)

V3 will not allow you to import any user script into Chrome anymore, so Tampermonkey will not be functional after January. I was wondering if this will also affect Yomichan. Since Yomichan also requires you to load in dictionaries.

[Here’s a quick video to explain the current Chrome situation](https://youtu.be/18VM1xZQdXc)

**Edit: I’m currently in the process of switching/making a backup on Firefox. Since they announced that they will be continuing to support V2 even after they implement V3. So Tampermonkey and Yomichan should all still work there**

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