How do I take a picture of my ID properly when trying to purchase an online contract at Docomo?

Maybe it is a stupid question, but when I tried to purchase a phone online and then had to show the photos of my residence card as ID, I got an email today telling me that I had to do it again due to them not being able to confirm the card.

I’m not sure what else I can improve because as far as I was aware it was fine.

For the first photo it has to be of the front facing photo – no problem as you could see everything clearly I thought

The second photo was showing it from an angle – this one I’m not too sure of the best way to do this but I think I did it ok.

And the last was a photo of the back, which like the front photo is not too difficult I think

Again sorry if this is a stupid question, but any advice I can use when taking the photos would be helpful.

  1. Isn’t there an overlay in the identification app when you take pictures? You should be able to move the phone until the card fits into the required rectangle, for the front pic, you can leave it on the desk but make sure background is solid and non-white color, and make sure there’s no overhead lighting casting a glare on the card. Same goes for back side.

    For the “angle” view, it should also show a overlay, in my case, I used tweezers to hold the card by a corner, at an angle from the desk, and adjusted phone until the overlay matched at which point the phone automatically took the pic. I think you can also place it on the table – again make sure color contrast is good – and take a pic from the side, like here:

  2. Definitely easier on the phone – just watch the lighting/glare. If there is a lot of reflective glare in the photo they will reject as well

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