Clarifying the difference between a Spouse Visa and a Dependent Visa

I want to apologize first if I glossed over the wiki too little with my last post and didn’t fully understand it, but here it is again in case you need more info on my background.

That being said, I looked over the wiki and researched around and I think one question I’d been having is becoming clearer despite the overlapping usage of the term “Spouse Visa,” and I just wanted to confirm and make this clear for anyone else reading this later.

Basically, I was confused because I had been wondering if a “Spouse Visa” and a “Dependent Visa” were the same thing or different as many of the contexts that I read seem to use them interchangeably referring to the same thing. Other areas seem to use them differently but it’s been difficult to find any one place that actually compares the two and separates them as different visas.
For reference of what I’m getting at, the Wiki mentions in the Visas list,

>”I want to marry my Japanese significant other”
>Congrats! You will most likely be awarded a [**Spouse Visa**](
> **Non-Japanese citizens** who are spouses or legal dependents (ie: children) of a valid visa holder can receive a **Dependent Visa.**

In the freelance section,

>**Spouse Visa**
>If you are married to a **Japanese citizen**, it’s possible to work in Japan as a freelancer or remotely for a company based abroad as there are no restrictions on employment for spouses.

Mentioning that Spouses of **Japanese Nationals** can work **without limit.**

Foreigners having one of the above residential status \[i.e. “Spouse or Child of Japanese National”\] are completely free to engage in any type of activities in Japan. They are free to do any type of job and also to change it if they wish.


Mentioning that **Spouse** and **Dependent** visas are synonymous for a spouse of a **foreigner**, and that these spouses **can only work “part time”**


>The Spouse (Dependents) Visa is for an Applicant who will come to Japan as the spouse, unmarried child, or other dependents of a foreigner.
>Note that this visa type is sometimes referred to as the Japan Family Stay Visa.
>The Spouse (Dependents) Visa allows the Applicant to carry on normal daily activities in Japan but does not allow the Applicant to work. However, once the Spouse (Dependents) Visa has been formally granted, it may be possible for the Applicant to apply for permission to **work part time**.


Mentioning that spouses **dependent** on **foreign** nationals have **restrictions on work**, namely up to 28 hours, has to depend on the spouse for main income, etc.

Spouses and children **dependent** on working **foreign nationals** are granted a “**Dependent**” status of residence and are permitted to engage in the day-to-day activities of a dependent spouse or child of a working foreign national residing in Japan. Activities such as attendance at school fall within the scope of activities of a “Dependent,” but work for compensation is in principle prohibited; **part-time work (in principle no more than 28 hours per week)** is possible if permission to engage in activities other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted is received.

Mentions spouses married to **Japanese** nationals can **work without limit**.

**Foreign nationals who are married to a Japanese national** or who were born as a child of a Japanese national, or those who were adopted to a Japanese national can acquire visa status called “**Spouse or Child of a Japanese National**” (hereafter referred to as “**Spouse/Child of Japanese**“) in order to reside in Japan.
Those who obtain **Spouse/Child of Japanese** visa status are allowed to **work without limit**.

Apologies for the several references, but I want to be 100% clear on this, so hopefully I didn’t miss a place where this difference is addressed more clearly. Please let me know if my conclusions are correct or incorrect. Thank you for any clarification!

**1)** There are two separate visas, a **Spouse Visa**, which requires a foreigner to be married to a **Japanese citizen**, but allows for **work without restriction**, including freelance or remote work in another country (as mentioned in the Freelance section of the wiki), with no restriction on number of hours or need to depend on the Japanese spouse’s work/income.

**2)** And a **Dependent Visa**, also possibly referred to as just a Spouse Visa (mistakenly?) or a Spouse Dependent Visa, which requires a foreigner to be married to **ANOTHER foreigner** who is already living in Japan via their own visa (student, work, etc.). In other words, they must depend on a spouse who is not Japanese, and **cannot work more than 28 hours** nor make more income than the spouse they are dependent on?

Tldr; what is the difference between a “Spouse Visa” and a “Dependent Visa” if there is any?

  1. There are technically three separate marriage-based visas:

    1. [Specified visa: Spouse or child of Japanese national](
    2. [Specified visa: Spouse of permanent resident](
    3. [General visa: Dependent]( (spouse or child of a foreign national without PR).

    Both (1) and (2) have no work restrictions. (3) has to apply for permission to work and is limited to 28h/week if it’s granted.

    * I believe dependents of foreign nationals with HSP status have no work restrictions, but I’m not sure how that’s translated into a visa category. To my knowledge they are still “General visa: Dependent”.

  2. Your conclusion is mostly correct, but there are a few misunderstanding.

    1) There are also a Spouse of Permanent Resident status of resident. This is for, as the name imply, person who are married to a foreigner who hold a permanent resident status. It is mostly the same to Spouse of Japanese National status in term of working permission.

    2) Dependent Visa doesn’t have to be a spouse. It could be a children or other dependents. The 28 hour work permit is not automatic — you have to apply for them. The “make more than the spouse” is also not a hard rule — the main rule is that you need to be a dependent, and making more money than the spouse usually didn’t mean that you do.

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