HUH? moments during the state funeral news coverage of Abe-san

Japanese is still hard after so many years without subtitles.

I was playing the news coverage of Abe-san’s state funeral in the background.

Living proof that even after 12 years of study, things can still get hard…

Here is what I heard.

LOL 1 – 0:52

献花 (けんか – giving flowers) or 喧嘩 (けんか – to fight)「大勢の人が献花に来てくれて、慕われていた総理だな」

without the subtitles, I thought he said「大勢の人が喧嘩に来てくれて、慕われていた総理だな」because right before this scene, they were showing the pro-funeral and anti-funeral demonstrators clashing

LOL 2 – 4:39

総理 (そうり)

The best of the video was when Sugu-san went up for a speech as Abe-san’s best friend. He started the speech with, 総理 which made me giggle because I thought this 73 year old has such a sense of humor using Japanglish ソーリー (sorry)

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