HSP PR with Long Holiday Overseas


I’m currently on HSP visa (80 points) and waiting to get PR next year once my 12 month stay is done. Wondering if I leave Japan for like 2.5 months to visit family or travel will I still be able to apply for the PR at the exact same time as if I didn’t leave Japan for 2.5 months?

  1. It’s not written anywhere I can find, apart from in a naturalization post here: https://www.turning-japanese.info/2013/02/what-if-your-residency-isnt-continuous.html

    (of course naturalization is not PR…. But I believe these requirements to be similar).

    PR is supposed to mean “Permanent RESIDENT” so, extended periods or multiple longer periods out of Japan maybe questioned because it might suggest the individual wants PR as a means of “residency for convenience” I.e the ability to easily return to get the benefits of resident… without actually being a resident. (Of course others may disagree with me because these requirements are not really documented anywhere official…. That I can find anyway).

    I don’t think a one time 2.5 months out of Japan will affect your “consecutive residency” though, But mostly immigration is arbitrary and case by case, so ultimately…. Who knows? 🤷‍♂️

  2. I had a 2 week break between my first and second job and it didn’t affect me from getting PR after I finished a 5 year working visa. I don’t know about 2.5 months though.

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