Bit of a weird question but how many calories do you think is in this sushi? Thx so much

Bit of a weird question but how many calories do you think is in this sushi? Thx so much

  1. So I think in the bowl there’s sushi rice at the bottom (not to much though) salmon, avocado, cucumber, tuna, egg strips or something egg😂 and seaweed and in the sandwich rice, salmon, seaweed, avocado and cucumber and maybe some carrot

  2. If you’re looking for help with calories, you’d be better off requesting from a sub that focuses around this. r/CICO or r/1500isplenty are probably good starts

  3. The bowl alone is about 800 calories. Bed of noodles and rice, protein is dense, and avocado is one of the most calorically dense foods in existence. Add on fried bread crumbs, seaweed is low cal, and whatever sauces you added (not calorically cheap, especially any cream or mayo based sauces).

    Then the sandwiches are at least another 500, perhaps closer to 600 with sauces and being conservative. Protein and rice and avocado again.

    You definitely should have had just that bowl, or 5 of those sushi sandwiches total. Together, you easily crushed 1000-1200 calories. A lot for one meal.

    That said, it looks delicious and I would have to. Sushi is only healthy when eaten in moderation and in its most basic forms (sashimi and nigiri with less rice) with only soy sauce as condiment, no spicy Mayo or yum yum or whatever else. Pickled ginger isn’t a huge bother, nor is a dash of wasabi.

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