Urgent help needed regarding ”Certificate of Eligibility” application form

So I got offered a job at a preschool in Japan!

I’ve been forwarded the application form for my certificate of eligibility by my employer, but there are some questions on the form that I’m not too sure about. Any help from people who have filled out this form would be greatly appreciated! If any of my questions are stupid, then I apologise in advance. My head is swimming with so much stuff right now, and I just want to make sure that I fill this form in correctly the first time, as my employer has told me that If I fill in this form by tomorrow morning JST that she can go to immigration tomorrow. We need to get the visa processing going ASAP, due to my start date only being 11 weeks from now.

Here is a link to the form I want sent. I will be quoting questions numbers from this form.

[930004029.pdf (moj.go.jp)](https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.moj.go.jp%2Fisa%2Fcontent%2F930004029.pdf&data=05%7C01%7C%7Cac5c8d64a5704f0022cb08da633652d0%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637931382225132462%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=U3YIHbyPkvP0rKZ0oyTCoTJmpVMvFxzbJ1JjNhQnu%2FQ%3D&reserved=0)

Question number on the form;

\#7 – Is this my current occupation in the UK? Or the occupation that I will be doing in Japan? I’m currently a warehouse worker. Do I put that in this space? There’s an attachment to the form with a list of numbers and occupations, should I pick one from this list?

\#12 – My date of entry isn’t finalised yet, as I haven’t even received the CoE so that I can apply for my visa. My contracted start date for work in 26th September 2022, however I would expect that I should arrive in Japan at least 1 week prior to this time? It also depends how long the visa application process takes as to when I will actually arrive in Japan. So I’m very confused by this question. What date should I put in here??

\#13 – Port of entry. I would be planning to arrive an Kansai International Airport, however because of the above reasons, nothing can be finalised until I receive my visa. Should I enter Kansai International Airport as the answer? I assume that’s what ‘port’ means?

\#14 – Ideally, I intend to stay in Japan permanently. However, that’s a little vague in terms of an application form I guess? My contract states that my employment runs until March 31 2025. Should I put this as the answer?

\#16 – I assume the answer is LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, as that’s where the Japanese embassy is?

\#25 – This question has completely lost me. What exactly is it asking me here? If I have a degree in Information Processing? I’m assuming that if the question is confusing me, my answer is no?

  1. Just adding onto what adiost has already provided;

    # 14

    Assuming you’re taking a teaching job in that preschool, your visa type should be “instructor”. Your application should cover the duration of your contract, plus 1 month before and after for your own benefit.

    Your application does not guarantee any specific visa length. Many people just get given a 1 year visa, which means you need go to get it renewed every year before expiry while there. If you’re lucky, you may get the full 3 year visa, in which case you can renew it if you find another job or continue your contract.

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