巻き舌 (まきじた) is the rolled R sound in Japanese, often used by angry people arguing. You can hear it used with phrases like “この野郎!” or “こら!” as in the clip below for example.
While I wouldn’t suggest talking to people this way it’s good to know how it sounds so it’s easier to understand. The sound resembles the “rr” in Spanish.
The literal translation is “winding tongue”.
*sigh * Time to sentence-mine that video too
All I heard was blah blah teme! blah blah konerrrro blah blah baka. I’m just a beginner at this.
Being from a spanish speaking country allows me to speak like a delinquent as they say.
I can roll my r’s in English, took a few years of indirect practice now its just so natural, I dont even know when I’m doing it. I have yet to be able to do so in Japanese. I don’t think I’d ever need it though lol
I laughed my ass off when he asked the other dude if he was his friend 😭😭😂😂
Idk this way of speaking always got me feeling someway in a good way
Most polite ossan
I have trouble pronouncing a rolled “r” directly after an “n” sound, such as in オンライン. Can anyone give me some tips on how to do it correctly?
Also I prefer the rolled “r” anyway because it helps the transliterated “l” to “r” sound more like the original English/Spanish/etc when reading out katakana.
Kind of off topic.. buut…
Darn.. japanese is such an amazing language for sounding angry!
I’ve never been able to roll my Rs and I’m so envious of it when I hear people do it.
I have no idea what they’re saying but I’m guessing they guy filming is calling out the other guy for bdieon his phone whilst on the train?
Either definitely the strongest Rs I’ve heard in Japanese, though still not as strong as Finnish ones.