Weekly Complaint Thread – 29 September 2022

As per every Thursday morning—this week’s complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissed you off.


Rules are simple—you can complain/moan/winge about anything you like, small or big. It can be a personal issue or a general thing, except politics. It’s all about getting it off your chest. Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

  1. My (relatively) pricey lens broke just 2 months after the extended 5 year warranty ran out. That’s gonna cost me over 20,000 to get fixed.

  2. Applied for a remote position and got back “when do you plan to relocate” to which I replied “I don’t, that’s why I’m applying for this remote position” to which I get “I’ll let you know if any positions come up”

    Ok then

  3. What is that horrid smelling soap(?) scent that many Japanese women and some men wear? Anytime I stand next to walk past someone with it I want to gag. It’s absolutely repulsing.

  4. For me, this time of year can be in some ways almost as bad as summer in terms of temperature. I’m more sensitive to high humidity than high temperatures, so I will start to break out into a sweat if I have to walk moderate distances when it’s 21 degrees with 90% humidity. Turning up to work with light sweat and finding the airconditioner turned off can be annoying, but that’s no where near as bad as them cranking up the heating when it rains so that the room can be both hot and incredibly humid.

  5. Wasn’t able to get a refund from that twat in Okayama that sold me a damaged figure. He didn’t ever respond to any of my messages and since Yahoo auctions decided the only place refunds can go is Rakuten Bank, PayPay Bank or a credit card, I was shit out of luck.

    Which leads me to a point of something that’s always pissed me off about living here. Why must *everything* be so goddamn *that*. Why can refunds only be applied to two specific kinds of bank accounts? Who the fuck came up with that bullshit? Why can’t you credit my account? Why can’t you put the money on the card I paid with (line pay, because I can never get a goddamn credit card)? It’s just so fucking stupid.

  6. way too many ramen joints have excellent soup and subpar chashu

    not really a complaint, but it kind of astounds me how common it is here to just eat carbs. I know carbs on carbs on carbs is a thing worldwide, but I feel like it’s incredibly common in Japan to have a meal of just carbs? Kake udon and zarusoba and onigiri come to mind.

  7. sick of English teaching, sick of the Tokyo area, sick of trying to balance teaching work and translation but I can’t quit just yet because my translation work isn’t consistent enough.

    Looking for work sucks, it isn’t as stressful knowing that I still have money coming in, but applying to agencies is tedious and you might not even get work even if you pass their test and sign a contract.

  8. I cannot keep up with the bugs on my broccoli and cauliflower plants. Every morning they are there. There are no nets I’ve found that wouldn’t just blow away (the plants are in pots in my parking space so no dirt to stick into).

    A meeting today that I’m not looking forward to.

    Trying to get paperwork to switch to spouse visa (my city won’t let me do tax stuff from konbini machine with my number card; wife’s kosekitohon has to come from up in Tohoku).

    Had to work surprise OT last night. Couldn’t sleep well after. Woke up at about 4:30 and have been up since.

    Also, slept oddly during that time and my neck hurts.

  9. I have an irrational fear of tunnels. I know why they exist. I know that they are basically good for shortening travel distances. I still just don’t like them *at all*. So fuck me every time I go places in Japan, I have to go through a bunch of tunnels. The other day I had to go through a tunnel that took 10-minutes to go through. Had to really hold back my anxiety level from spiking.

  10. about posting bad reviews for businesses online. like on google maps.

    I tend to post bad reviews for bad treatment on businesses online. Recently these places contact me and threaten me or beg me to delete the reviews.
    what’s wrong with these people? why don’t they provide a better service? seriously…

  11. Since Corona hit, I’ve gotten really into the “anti-work” mindset. In the sense that I really no longer see my job as anything other than a tool to get money to enjoy my life outside of work.

    I actually think this is a good thing, but it has left me with a very low tolerance for anything “corporate”. Like once my boss or colleagues start talking about “キャリアアップ” or “情報セミナー” or basically anything related to putting more emphasis on my job its like a white noise filter goes on in my brain and drowns out all the nonsense. Like I litterally do not have any fucks to give about these kind of things anymore.

    Thing is, I actually enjoy my job in terms of what I do. Im working in an industry I love. But I dont feel compelled to go above and beyond in any way. I average less than 10 hours of overtime a month and refuse tasks that would cause me to stay late. Probably this means ill never be manager or whatever but honestly my pay is pretty good and I dont plan to ever have kids so Im happy to just use my job and take on minimal responsibilities rather than have it use me.

    My complaint is that there is no way I can elegantly tell people to keep their corporate mindset away from me and still sometimes have to put on a fake smile and pretend to actually care about any of the goals I set in my 四半期報告

  12. Trying to get my wife to update our address since we move like a year ago from her parents to a house across the street. But she’s complaining about not being able to use her mom’s insurance if we change the address. Like woman, These mfers will probably deport my ass if they find out I’m living at the house across the street from the house I’m currently registered at

  13. I hate how ridiculously iPhone centric this country is lol I have a Samsung and everything is extremely limited for me here.

    In the past I asked if I can pay with NFC or Google Pay and people looked at me as I was speaking some alien language. Turns out, it was because here people only use Apple Pay and have never heard of a Google version.

    At work we have a tablet and my boss expected me to know how to use iOs, when I showed him I have an Android and so I had no idea he was extra surprised. When I showed him Google Maps on my phone he was baffled by the existence of a map app made by Google.

    At my English Eikaiwa when I was explaining how in my country phones are usually 50% iPhones and 50% Samsung everybody looked like they discovered the Moon. When I showed my phone is a Samsung a student fucking pointed at it and started LAUGHING, like she saw the funniest of things. Bruh that was rude af

    (I made a post asking for help for this) when I wanted to connect my Suica to my phone I couldn’t do it because I need Osaifu-Keitai. As far as I read online, only Androids bought in Japan or IPHONES have it.

    If I wanna buy a cover gotta buy it online. There is a Samsung store in Harajuku, but that only sells the latest phone’s stuff. My friend has a Samsung Galaxy 20FE, like one of the most recent, but they said it was too old and they didn’t sell anymore accessories for it. (Too old my ass, in electronic stores I saw stuff for 5 year old iPhones.)

    I will be expecting “Uh just buy an iPhone then” replies, but being the stubborn person I am I won’t just because I got pissed by this system.
    Also it’s super expensive, no way in hell I’m spending thousands if not millions of yen as a broke student lol

  14. New one because I just literally brushed up against it by accident: what’s the deal with that crappy matte white paint they use on everything here that leaves behind a streak of white powdery whatever on anything that comes into contact with it? I hate that shit. Bump up against a fence? Powdery white crap. Lean against a wall for a second? Powdery white crap. Surely that can’t be good for the environment either.

  15. 人身事故. RIP.

    And I live far enough away from other train lines that it wouldn’t get me to work sooner if I tried questing out.

  16. Baby woke up at 1:30am in the crib propped up on his belly and hands. I put him in there on his back. We have been practicing rolling but this is the first time he did it all by himself. He’s only 3.5 months old! I’m proud but now anxious that he’ll get himself stuck like that and continue to cry at night. Well see what I’m in for. Half compliment, half excitement.

  17. Traveling in Hokkaido and I have never figured out the purchasing of train tickets here after a week. I always press Hokuto limited express select a station and pay. It prints out one ticket. I give it to the train employee who says every time I’m missing the fare ticket even though the machine only printed one. So then I have to pay an extra ¥440 on top of the ticket I just bought. Do not understand how I could possibly be missing a step in the machine given its Hokuto Limited Express —> Select station —> select number of people —> Pay —> get told i fucked it up and pay extra

  18. Seeing Stepford Wives take their kids on the Yamanote Line to a prestigious private elementary school in Ikebukuro wearing what’s basically a uniform of a conservative navy-blue dress and flat black pumps is profoundly depressing. I bet they’re all married to doctors and dentists and jacked up to the gills on antidepressants.

  19. Getting more and more sick of my job with every passing day. It just feels unrewarding and it feels like nobody gives a f* about anything or anyone. Everyone has this “not my job, someone else will get to it” mentality, and it’s driving me crazy. Meanwhile one of my co-workers kept on playing hooky, causing everyone to get in eagle vision of HR. They’re now going through everyone’s working hours with a fine tooth comb, and all of our sliding work hour privileges have been revoked. The same mf already caused everyone’s work from home privileges to be revoked before. Why don’t they just fire people like that?

  20. The foreigners in my town behaving like a-holes, getting in trouble, and then saying Japanese people are racist.

    Like yeah, there is racism here, but you kicking a kid and then getting in trouble for it doesn’t equal racism.

  21. Our door is an alcove so we can get in and out without being rained on.

    Speaking of rain, if you spray insecticide over the door and surroundings, it won’t get washed away and it will stay there forever. Use it accordingly. There is no need to spray geckos because you don’t like their beady eyes.

    Speaking of common sense and insecticide, for the love of all that is holy, don’t spray that shit inside, especially in the kitchen. I do want to breath, ingest or absorb it into my lungs, digestive tract or bloodstream. Just call me and open the door so I can scoop up the unwelcome guest and relocate it with minimum harm to it or us.

  22. Been sick a lot since I moved to Japan. Recently felt extra terrible and my Apple watch told me my heart wasn’t working well, went to the docs and turns out – it’s correct, i have a heart condition rare for my age. More tests coming up to figure out exactly what that condition is. I’ll trade you all for your back pain?

  23. I guess my complaint is I’m tired of even 27 degree weather. I still sweat indoors if no AC. Then I tell my husband I’m hot and sweaty and he goes “no you’re not, the weather is perfect”.

    Mofo my hormones after birth still aren’t regulated. I feel super warm even in 24 degree weather often. I can’t help it, and our fan broke. Just please turn on the AC without comment.

    Also these mailmen/delivery men have a skill of arriving right when little one falls asleep on me. Shout out to the guy who rang the doorbell last week only to see what a foreigner’s face looked like apparently, not like I’ve been here for almost 4 years.

  24. People smoking right next to the entrance of combini’s and subway station entrances. I freaking hate walking through their smoke.

    Also, scooters with stupid muffler noise makers.

  25. Moved into a very modern new apartment. It comes with a toilet that has a sink on the top.

    After Google translating through what feels like 500 pages of the manual, I still can’t figure out if it is possible to “turn off” the sink function at the top so it does not keep water running for ages after flushing.

  26. Last weekend I went for a bike ride into the back mountains here. The amount of stuff dumped here is insane. I counted 3 refrigerators in the river, a two washing machines, and just piles and piles of trash. Fuck whoever is doing this.

  27. Stomach pain for 3 years, shoulder pain for 8 years, why do doctors in both the UK and Japan just poke me in the area, shrug saying it feels fine and then give me a random medicine to see if it helps which it never does. I finally find time to go to the doctor only to get nowhere and then have to suffer another 4 months until I find time to go again. This time I’m just going to straight up demand getting some tests, there’s so many weird things going on with my body I know something is up.

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