Dual national, Japanese drivers license exchange

Hi all, I am a dual national of Australia United Kingdom and Japan.

I currently 27 and have an Australian drivers license and have tried to exchange it for a Japanese license. I believe the problem I am facing is that I dont have a document to prove that the Australian me and the Japanese me are the same person. I thought that the Passport was enough proof, but I have a suspicion that because ive shown that I have these passports that they’ve stealthily decided to decline my application.

What should I do? Has anyone else had any similar problems?

  1. Yeah, the couple people I know who went to Japan with dual citizenship kept it on the downlow. They either used their Japanese or other passport when dealing with official immigration or government stuff. Not both.

  2. Let me guess… your parents went and gave you two legal names?

    For example John Smith (for Australia and UK) and Nakamura John (for Japan)

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