Japan to invest ¥1 tril in human resources development over 5 years

Japan to invest ¥1 tril in human resources development over 5 years


  1. From the article:

    > Kishida is also expected to vow to “sincerely, humbly and respectfully face the severe opinions of the public” in light of the controversy over ties between members of his Liberal Democratic Party and the Unification Church, as well as the state funeral for assassinated former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

    Surely that can be solved in about 30 seconds?

    i.e. simply outlaw religious loonies having any kind of role in politics whatsoever.

    No donations. No bribes. No gifts. No blowjobs. No top class swanky nosh and posh restaurants. No slaves working for free during elections, or anywhere else. No voice in politics for religious loons in their capacity as a religious death cult organisation. And all of the other things that I cannot remember right now because my hands are shaking too much.

    They should probably take a look at Yakuza involvement too, as that’s basically the same thing.

  2. Meh. Koizumi’s workplace “reforms” beggared the working stiff in Japan and now many labour under manpower agencies take half their contract salaries in commissions like a pimp. Japan’s ruling elite have un-endingly strained to return its populace back to the nostalgic, golden days of serfdom.

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