Anybody who lives in an ikkodate? How is the noise?

Hi all,

I am considering an ikkodate for the first time since my neighbor randomly bashes shit around in the early morning.

I found an amazing ikkodate, but with two caveats:
1. The building is wood, not concrete, built in the early 90s.
2. The second level, where the bedroom is, is at the same level as a parking area for three cars. From the second level windows, I would say there’s a distance of 8-10 feet.

The whole reason I’m moving is to escape sudden loud noises, and I’m worried I will hear people open and close their car doors. I’m sensitive to noise changes, and am so tired of not getting a full night’s sleep.

Anybody had any experience here?

  1. Double pane windows are what you should be looking for. I barely hear outside noises when the windows are shut.

  2. Took me a while to realize you meant “house” and not “Hakodate” the city in Hokkaido.

    If you own, just swap the windows for double pane, swap the door for a newer thick model, which will help with drafts etc

  3. Most ikkodate in Japan are made out of wood. Only the well-to-do has theirs built with reinforced concrete. How close are your neighbors to you?

  4. I lived in one before. I can faintly hear noises from outside, but I guess it’s because I lived in a quieter part of Tokyo and my neighbors weren’t that noisy. My only complaint for living in an old house is the insulation is not great. It’s cold in winter and very hot in summer.

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