Women on the train wanted to sit next to me

Might be bullshit but I’ll explain what I mean anyways:

I was standing on the platform waiting for the train. Choo choo. I noticed this women with a book was looking at me. Everyone wants to stare at gaijin. So what? Who cares? This is just another Wednesday. The sky is blue type shit.

We board the train through different doors but the same car. I take a seat and she takes a seat on the same side bench with a one person gap between us. She is next to the person with the optimal always coveted edge seat. Before the train starts moving she moves over to sit right next to me. WTF? I am a big fat scary gaijin and wanted that extra space…biwahtch! The next stop the skinny bone jones Japanese edge seat guy gets off but she doesn’t bother to move and remains sitting right next to me. Damnit. So now there are two empty seats on the other side of her…

I decide it would make too much of a scene to get up, move past her, and claim the edge seat for myself + lazy. That window is closing fast anyways as more people board and find the empty seats waiting for them at the next stop.

I can’t say anything else eventful happens over the course of like 7 stops as I decided to take a nap, except her stop happens to be the one right before mine. And her exit off the train was extra hella delayed. Like it was her stop, people that wanted to get off already did. She suddenly just gets up and dashes off the train in a hurry before the doors close.

What the hell was that?

  1. Wow… just.. wow

    I think you were the only one on the train thinking about the seating.

    Why are you getting worked up about this?

  2. >What the hell was that?

    You paying _waaay_ too much attention to your imaginings about shit that literally nobody cares about.

  3. Maybe there was some scary looking man on the train and she decided sitting next to you will make it less probable they will try to pick up on her?

  4. >This is just another Wednesday.

    You mean to say this you’ve been simmering about this for over a day now?

    If you’ve got a seat in mind because there’s more space, it’s not causing a scene to take it at all. Just get up and do it.

  5. There isn’t any deeper meaning if that is what you are thinking. There are plenty of Japanese people who are used to riding the trains with foreigners, so they won’t be as shocked or hesitant to be seated next to one. She may have left the side seat empty for the elderly or she thought she would appear rude to suddenly shift away from sitting next to you. If she was interested in you romantically if that’s what you may have thought, I don’t think what she did was any indication of that.

    Edit: Also, some people prefer to wait to leave last on the train to avoid crowds and the pushing.

  6. If you’re gonna make a thread everytime someone in Japan does that in the train then you’d better stay at home. You’re being way too paranoid my dude.

  7. I think the only person who cares about this as much as you is my husband and he’s trying to film up skits.

  8. The initial seat change was because the guy she sat next to was either smelly or gave her an off vibe.

    She didn’t change seats afterwards for the same reason you didn’t.

    You want the edge seat, take it.

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